New reports available, publication out soon!
We’ve been busy over the past few months getting reports and two manuscripts finished, the results of a very successful field season in the Exuma Cays. Our findings have already turned heads at the GCFI Conference in Puerto Morelos, Mexico in November. We’ll be attending the Abaco Science Alliance Conferencein Marsh Harbour, Abaco January 5-7 to present to the science and conservation communities of The Bahamas. We’re hoping to get a similar response…this information is so important to conch fishery management! You can download our new reports here. Check the next issue of the Bulletin of Marine Science for our new publication: Stoner AW, Davis MH, Booker CJ (2012) Negative consequences of Allee effect are compounded by fishing pressure: comparison of queen conch in fishing grounds and a marine protected area. Bull Mar Sci 88(1)