The queen conch has been an abundant food source for the people of the Caribbean for centuries, but growing demand for this seafood delicacy is causing a dramatic and concerning depletion of the fishery throughout the region. We’re working to help stop the decline of queen conch populations in The Bahamas by pursuing science and outreach initiatives critical to the development of a successful, sustainable, and well-managed fishery.
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Ain’t Got No More Lip from from ConchSaladTV on Vimeo.
Community Conch is a nonprofit organization that aims to protect queen conchs in the Bahamas, a species of mollusk threatened by aggressive over-fishing. We promote sustainable harvest of queen conch through research, education and community-based conservation.
read more >>Each year we’ve done conch surveys in The Bahamas, we’ve been quite fortunate to have people volunteer their time and resources to help make the expedition happen. What we do in the field to collect data is inherently somewhat fun … more >>